Saturday, February 24, 2018

Sweet Potato Curry

I was going to make a video... but I got a killer head ache and decided to take a shower. So instead of making a video looking like a drown rat I thought I would share a new recipe I really liked!

***ps if anyone has any tips for these hormone therapy induced headaches please share!!***

 One of the trickiest things on this diet is making things sweet enough without using chemically refined sugars like cane sugar and brown sugars. I am always looking for more "natural" ways to sweeten my food. In this recipe I used the sweet potato to accomplish this. Sweet potatoes are packed with starch.More specifically polysaccharides. Polysaccharide are made up of many smaller glucose molecules. These glucose molecules are what register as sweet on you tongue. The tricky thing is that you tong will not detect the sweet as well in the polysaccharide form. So to take advantage of these sweet little molecules we must break down the polysaccharides. This can be done by soaking the sweet potatoes in a temperature of about 135 to 170 degrees fahrenheit for an extended period of time. I will be using this method in the following recipe but this is also a great tip if you ever oven roast sweet potatoes. I helps the carmelization process and makes the end result less fibery.

As many of you know soy is one of the worse things some one with endo related issues can eat because it is extremely estrogenic. But one thing not as many of you may know is that soy is hidden in just about everything! So I put warnings to check ingredients by every item that commonly has soy in it. (fish sauce, plum sauce, spicy sriracha oil  & Worcestershire sauce). Bellow are images of the ingredients I did use:


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