Saturday, February 24, 2018

Sweet Potato Curry

I was going to make a video... but I got a killer head ache and decided to take a shower. So instead of making a video looking like a drown rat I thought I would share a new recipe I really liked!

***ps if anyone has any tips for these hormone therapy induced headaches please share!!***

 One of the trickiest things on this diet is making things sweet enough without using chemically refined sugars like cane sugar and brown sugars. I am always looking for more "natural" ways to sweeten my food. In this recipe I used the sweet potato to accomplish this. Sweet potatoes are packed with starch.More specifically polysaccharides. Polysaccharide are made up of many smaller glucose molecules. These glucose molecules are what register as sweet on you tongue. The tricky thing is that you tong will not detect the sweet as well in the polysaccharide form. So to take advantage of these sweet little molecules we must break down the polysaccharides. This can be done by soaking the sweet potatoes in a temperature of about 135 to 170 degrees fahrenheit for an extended period of time. I will be using this method in the following recipe but this is also a great tip if you ever oven roast sweet potatoes. I helps the carmelization process and makes the end result less fibery.

As many of you know soy is one of the worse things some one with endo related issues can eat because it is extremely estrogenic. But one thing not as many of you may know is that soy is hidden in just about everything! So I put warnings to check ingredients by every item that commonly has soy in it. (fish sauce, plum sauce, spicy sriracha oil  & Worcestershire sauce). Bellow are images of the ingredients I did use:


Friday, February 2, 2018

Kinda Defective and Really Expensive

Well all....
Here posting again...

Start to my diet is still going alright.... well... as far as me not breaking it.... alas I'm pretty sure I may be in sugar withdrawal. Idk if that is an actual thing but I have been soooo moody and I typically am not a very moody person haha. Yet I remain determined. Even went to the dine in theaters and had an avocado chicken salad and a pineapple cucumber spritzer instead of my normal burger and baileys chocolate shake.... Not gonna lie and say the two were equally as good but it was alright! I have found two amazing recipes though that have saved my butt this week! (keep reading to find out what they are)

First off to start each morning I have been making dairy free over night oats. Super easy and I get my sweet fix in the morning. Really, they are quite good. I typically am a person that skips breakfast cause I don't have time... But now that I am trying to be healthy I needed something fast and easy in the am. I have tried two types and like both... be it the blueberry pancake is my favorite.

Strawberry Overnight Oats 

  • 2 Strawberries
  • 1 TBSP Sugar free real fruit strawberry jelly
  • 1/2 TBSP Honey
  • Rolled oats
  • Almonds (your personal desire amount)
  • Coconut milk 
  • Strawberry sugar free coconut yogurt
Step 1: Get a mason jar and fill 1/3 jar with oats and 1/4 jar with yogurt. 
Step 2: Top with jelly, chopped strawberries, honey, and almonds.
Step 3: Fill remainder of the jar with coconut milk add lid and shake vigorously 
Step 4: Pop in the fridge overnight and you'll have breakfast ready when you wake up. I ate mine cold but I am sure you could microwave too

Blueberry Pancake Overnight Oats
  • 1 1/2 TBSP Pure maple syrup
  • Rolled oats
  • Chopped pecans (your personal desired amount)
  • Coconut milk
  • Vanilla coconut yogart
  • 5-10 Blue berries 

Step 1: Get a mason jar and fill 1/3 jar with oats and 1/3 jar with yogurt. 
Step 2: Top with pecans, blueberries, and maple syrup.
Step 3: Fill remainder of the jar with coconut milk add lid and shake vigorously 
Step 4: Pop in the fridge overnight and you'll have breakfast ready when you wake up. I ate mine cold but I am sure you could microwave too

Now the winning recipe of the week!!! It was so good I almost forgot I was on a diet!
Okay, I can't take all the credit for this one... I did get the idea from pinterest and adjusted it to like liking. I hope you all like it equally as much!

Cajun Shrimp and Chicken Sausage Foil Wrap
I made 3 foil wraps with the ingredients bellow.

  • 3 Mango habanero chicken sausages
  • 2 1/2 cups large shrimp (uncooked)
  • 1 1/2 cups corn
  • 2 Red peppers (sliced)
  • 1 Green zucchini (sliced)
  • 1/2 red onion (chopped)
  • 2 cloves garlic (minced)
  • 2 TBPS olive oil
  • 3 TBSP Pinto Grigio white wine 
  • 3 pinches dried parsley
  • 3 pinches dried basil
  • 3 pinches red pepper flake
  • 1 1/5 TBSP Cajun seasoning (endo tip most brands have soy, so has estrogen and should be avoided. Check your label)
  • Salt (to taste)
Step 1: Cook you sausages completely in a frying pan... or how ever you like then cut into thin slices.
Step 2: Combine your red pepper, zucchini, onion, garlic, olive oil, corn, and salt and toss together.
Step 3: Peel your shrimp if needed then toss with red pepper flakes and cajun seasoning
Step 4: Divide you shrimp, veggies, and sausage onto three sheets of foil
Step 5: Top each with one TBSP of white wine, a pinch or parsley, and a pinch of basil
Step 6: Now you can throw them in the fridge or freezer or move on to step 7
Step 7: For fridge preheat oven to 425 and cook for 15 minutes, for freezer add pack to cold oven then heat to 425 once oven reached full temp cook for another 35 minutes.

Some endo-friendly facts about these meals!
Oats: are high in fiber and help reduce estrogen levels in the blood. They also help with people who tend to get upset stomach if they eat most food first thing in the morning!

Pure maple syrup: is a healthier all natural sweetener then white cane sugar. In 1 TBSP it has 33% of your daily magnesium requirement too! Super vital to anyone on hormone treatments that could be experiencing bone loss!

Zucchini: is one of my favorite veggies to cook with. I love its texture in meals like this and in stir fries. It has health benefits to make it even better. It is a good source of potassium and vit. C, both are vital for over all health! It is an anti-inflammatory that can help with your endo flares. Also because it is both high in fiber and fluid it is great for people who had trouble with digestion as fiber will help runny stool and the fluid will help with constipation. 

So now for non-food related new... I have been struggling with getting my meds here and covered... Currently the one that is causing all the issues is being processed in a pharmacy in New York . I guess because it has such ill-effects and is so potent only some pharmacies will deal with it. Got a call yesterday saying it will hopefully be sent out to my Dr. on this upcoming Tuesday. So hoping to start treatment end of next week or start of the following. Still little luck finding coverage for the one drug my insurance won't cover... but the rep-agency my Dr. referred me to said they are gonna keep working on finding me some kinda financial help.

Things have kinda been setting in this week. I am getting nervous about treatments. I have been having terrible dreams... and I have been struggling with what all this probably means for my future as far as ever having kids is concerned. It is all a lot to take in. But everyone at my work has been super supportive and I am so glad I don't have to go through this alone. No matter how hard the up-coming months will be I am so very blessed we caught it early and that I am where I am emotionally, and support wise in life to fight through it.

I hope you are all having a good week and if your a fellow fighter of endo or cancer be strong and keep on keeping on!